Sunday 2 November 2014

I Start now!!!!

I have decided to stop procrastinating. I have decided to start NOW. Well, writing is no big deal. Penning our thoughts shouldn't be a challenge. Thats what I thought. I was so wrong. My thoughts and words could not get translated onto the pen (or should I say keyboard), without a facilitator. Someone who could save and record my thoughts and actions for me to enjoy and ponder over years later. Who could be a better facilitator than my own mother, whom I fondly call (Amma) in my mother tongue, Tamil.

Let me explain. As I embark on my journey from a toddler to a 5 year young pre schooler, I guess the writing bug has caught up with me. My Amma says that the first seeds of lettering and reading were planted in me while I was in her tummy. My pea-sized brain was gaining huge amounts of knowledge which were not very relevant to me, but used to dwell in me. She used to read a lot. Any book or magazine that she could lay her hands on were good enough for her to invest her time.

As you would have noticed by now, my writing is very amateurish and nothing like a prolific writer. However, give me some time and I will be ready to write reams.

My Amma says that I have a naughty worm in my brain like all other kids of my age and I am upto mischief at all times. When I was about a year or so, like all excited first time parents, my Amma decided to write down all the words that I spoke at the age of one. I could accomplish quite a few (I think 50 to 60 english words besides the vernacular regular baby words ) . That was a milestone for me and a moment of pride for them. She still opens up the list of those words and keeps smiling at me.