Thursday 18 October 2018

Beyond the 3 Rs of Teaching and Education

Teaching goes way beyond the 3Rs. Probably the most important thing we do for kids is teach life lessons. Some of them get this at home and it is re-enforced, but some don’t get any guidance at all…sadly.

Here are some of the ABCs we teach:

A – Adapt. Life if full of curveballs. You have to adapt to situations, people, and events on a daily basis.

B – Believe in yourself. Self-confidence and self-awareness are critical to success and happiness in life.

C – Conquer your fears. Fear is one of the greatest enemies we all have to deal with. It does not just go away on its own.

D – Develop yourself mentally, spiritually, emotionally, and physically.

E – Excel at what you do. Don’t just do things half-heartedly.

F – Forgive quickly and forgive all. It is for your benefit, not theirs.

G – Give. There is an old saying: “It is better to give than to receive.” That is true, but the cool thing is, when you give freely and unconditionally you always get blessings in return.

H – Help others. When you see someone that is struggling, help them.

I – Investigate things for yourself. Just because someone says it is true does not make it true. Just because you read it on the Internet does not make it real. Don’t believe everything you hear.

J – Jump at the opportunity to try something new. You just might discover you have a gift for it.

K – Keep good company. Evil company corrupts.

L – Live in the moment. Don’t let the mistakes of yesterday or the worry of tomorrow keep you from living today.

M – Make an effort to develop relationships. If you want to have friends, you have to be friendly.

N – Never say never. When you say “I could never do that,” you are speaking a curse and limiting yourself.

O – Open your mind to learn. A closed mind will never give you joy, peace, or prosperity.

P – Persevere. Just because you have not succeeded when you first try something, that is no reason to give up. You just have not succeeded yet.

Q – Quit making excuses as to why you do or don’t do things. If it is really important, you will do it.

R – Relax and recharge. Take time to rest if you want to do your best.

S – Spend your time wisely. It is one of the most precious investments we have.

T – Thankful attitudes go a long way to finding peace and developing relationships.

U – Understand what the priorities are for the day. Focus on what is important, not on what is urgent.

V – Value people, not things. Use things, not people.

W – Wisdom is critical to living a life worth living. Pursue wisdom passionately.

X – eXpect the best from yourself and others, but realize the only one you have any real control over is you!

Y – Yield. Life is not all about you. Learn to let others go first and put the needs of others ahead of your own.

Z – Zest. Life if full of it. Live every day with it. Zest is the seasoning for each day. If you want to be fully engaged in a project, relationship, or assignment…learn to live with zest.

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